Excuse Box储存了10种不同场景的背景声音(每段1分钟),当你决定挂电话时,只需按动钥匙圈上的按钮然后背诵对应的台词,就可以全身而退了。$13买个清静,还是很值D。来试听一下
* Hey, can I let you go? I'm here at the auto-shop, and the mechanic wants to talk.如果有中文版就更完美了。
* Oh, jeez! There's all kinds of flashing lights ahead. I'd better hang up...
* I'm sorry, the baby's crying. Can I talk to you later?
* I'm... jeez, I can't hear a thing - they've got this crew putting up dry-wall over here. Can I call you back?
* Okay...hey, that was the final boarding call, I have to get on the plane!
* ...hello?... can you... can you hear me?... you're breaking up...!
* Hey, the flight attendants are telling me I have to hang up, now...